First it's: The Sack Pantomime, which was my final project for my Spring 2014 2D animation class (Ani 114). What this project is: a 30 second (short) acting study using a flour sack as a character. Because the flour sack has no limbs or face it adds an extra level of difficulty to the assignment, focusing purely on body mechanics to tell the story. This was a very fun project for me and I learned so much. My teacher Jeff Jackson was a tremendous help, he gave me great feedback throughout the process that pushed me and kept me excited. This project was the biggest project that I completed at that point. I felt completely myself during the whole process realized the importance of putting personal life experiences in my work. I am extremely proud it and can't wait to learn more.
Below I'll go step by step of the process I completed.
But first, here's my completed assignment: (note: turn down volume)
So, before I get the that point, there needs to be lots and lots of planning on story. I came up with a story about a flour sack trying to rescue it's teddy from a cage in it's imagination.
Here's the first Animatic (storyboards to time). It's super rough at this stage.
As you can see there's a lot of clarity issues going on so over that weekend, I created this revised version.
At this point, I felt ready to move onto the next stage. - Animation!
During the animation portion, I referenced/studied a lot of pre-existing amazing animation.
Such as Pongo's Stretch-
Witch Hazel's zip off screen -
And Wild E Coyote's silly timing -
And Finally, Penny's hug and overall acting -
Since I was still a beginner I was looking for how these masters dealt with similar things I was dealing with. Studying these helped me understand my sack pantomime a little better. Studying these were also an excuse to simply marvel at great animation! :)
So there you have it! My Sack Pantomime: Rescue Mission. Here it is again without sound this time:
Hope you enjoyed it. This was a very special project to me because it was THE assignment that I realized that I want to be an Animator.
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