Friday, April 3, 2015

So far...

Here is some work that I've done in my 3d Animation, beginning body mechanics class (Ani 128A). 

These are some of the shots I turned in so far during the semester. During finals, I will have the opportunity to revise them but I though it would be cool to show the progression.

This is the side step animation I did in the first week of class.

Here are some of the pose studies from that first week...

Here is my jump shot. I decided to do a super parkour guy. Parkour is something that I've always wanted to do but will most likely never do... so why not live vicariously though animating it! lol This was a very fun assignment and learned so much.

Here is a quick study from week 4 on moving holds. This was my first attempt that I turned in... but soon realized it was wrong! lol

So I decided to redo it for the next class and here is the fixed attempt:

Here is another quick study this time it was my first attempt at polishing. It didn't come out the way I wanted but still learned a lot from it.

Here was my polishing quick study of my character's head turn. I think really I started to understand polishing this week compared to the last quick study. Plus this only took 30 minutes!!! I was super proud :)

Quick study of arm falling from chin to table.

And finally, this is my throw animation. I based it on the oh so great Tim Lincecum. And hey, this project was a GREAT excuse to watch aka study lots of Giants baseball.. .even watched a preseson game while working on this... and they beat LA! Anyway, I learned A LOT from this project and even got it critted by Aaron Hartline from Pixar when I went to a networking event at the Walt Disney Family Museum. He gave me AWESOME pointers and really inspired me. I still have lots of things I hope to fix with this shot but for now it's time to move onto the next project! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cock A Doodle Doo!

This is an assignment was that I was given for my experimental animation class. I was given a pen and ink etching of a rooster and each of us had to interpret what we wanted the rooster to do... the use of medium, sound, story, design, etc. was entirely open for me to use. It's weird being that free... lol

Here's the rooster:

This was a particularly difficult project for me because my initial direction wasn't working. I just couldn't get into it and it showed... But I realized it was because I was doubting myself and my concept was just really boring!

So, I  with the help of Kevin and Nick I decided to scrap the original idea and do something different, in a medium I've never animated with. I was inspired by some of bill plymton's animation shorts as well as Wild E Coyote! However, by the time I decided to go a different direction there were only a couple days before the deadline and ended up working nonstop to get it done.

In the end I had fun with it and I'm proud of the final result.

But most importantly, I ended up learning that I need to work on allowing myself to step outside my comfort zone more often... And sometimes a lot of good comes from scrapping an idea that just isn't working.